One page with many links
Створіть свою сторінку (біолінк) з різними кнопками блоками, з донатами та посиланнями на продукти і послуги, які одразу можна оплатити
Simple pages with various blocks for your social media
Choose the colors and blocks for your page
Sell on your page with WayForPay payment tools
Choose colors, add a photo, necessary buttons and their colors
Create a page for donations, or a page for selling services or goods, or infoproducts. And receiving payments right away.
It is possible to add popular payment methods for quick payment, or even allow payment in installments online
Create the necessary buttons or add blocks for content, choose a name or add your domain - a few minutes and the page is ready
1. Sign up for WayForPay
2. Create, configure your page, add the necessary payment tool in the service.
3. Post a page in social networks
Without tariffs, subscriptions and prepayments.
We charge a commission only for accepting payments